
Showing posts from August, 2023
Chief complints- A 4yrs old female child Was brought by mother with the complaints of cough :: 7days History of Presenting illness: child was apparently asymptomatic 7days back then developed cough which was Productive type, diurnal variation Present, gradually progressive more during the night time associated with post tussive vomiting. It is associated with nasal discharge noisy breathing, not associated with mouth breathing H/o fever  5 days back for 3 days which was gradual in onset, low grade, intermitta not associated with rigors; aggrevates durine night time , relieved on taking medication Past History  H/o nasal discharge at 3 months of age. Shown to local RMP , where symptomatic and supportive treatment was given and symptoms subsided. No documentation available Antenatal History -conceived spontaneously after 9 months of married life Natal History Full term, LSCS  BT WT 2.5kg cried immediately after birth Breast fed within 24 hours of delivery . POST NATAL HISTORY H/O NiCU