76 year old female with hemiballismus secondary to uncontrolled sugars

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / 

guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of
 inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical
 problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the
 comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis"
 to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings
 investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

Unit 1
Amc bed 1

DOA 22/5/23

A 66 yr old female ,residence of nalgonda came to the opd with c/o 

Slurring of speech since 15days

Involuntary movements of right upper limb since 10days

And right lower limb since 5 days

She was apparently asymptomatic 15days ago then she developed swelling of tongue f/b slurring of speech , insidious in onset and gradually progressive,no aggravating and relieving factors

Not associated with deviation of mouth 

C/o involuntary movements of right upper and lower limb,insidious in onset and gradually progressive , aggravating on increasing sugars and decreasing with decrease in grbs levels

She also c/o skin lesions over genital region since 15days

Past history:

K/c/o HTN since 2 years

K/c/o DM since one week 

She has h/o joint pains( shoulder and elbow) since 2-3 months for which she went to a local hospital and the reports shower RA FACTOR+ 

and was advised tab . methotrexate (on regular medication)

Personal history:

Diet :mixed 


Bowel and bladder:regular but c/o burning micturition since 1 month

Sleep: adequate

Family history:not significant

General examination:

She is conscious,coherent , cooperative 

Well oriented to time ,place and person 







No pallor ,icterus ,clubbing ,cyanosis ,lymphadenopathy and edema 

CVS:s1s2+,no murmur

RS:BAE+,no added sounds 


Shape of abdomen; obese 

Position of umbilicus: central and inverted

No scars and sinuses are present

All quadrants are moving equally with respiration


No tenderness

 No organomegaly


Bowel sounds heard 

Motor system:RIGHT                    LEFT.l  Left          
Tone :UL:            N.                                        N
            LL:           N.                                         N

Power:UL:          4/5                                     4/5
            LL:           3/5                                     4/5

Triceps :
Plantar : flexion 

Obg referral taken I/v/o reddish  skin lesions over vulva and inner groin region,white discharge since 15days.

Diagnosis: 66year old p5L5 post hysterectomised with DM 2 and HTN with genital lesions

Advised :
1.inj.ceftrioxone 1gm iv stat f/b   Tab.erythromycin 500mg po/BD
2.T.pantop 40mg po/OD
3.T.metronidazole 400mg po/TID 
4.Antibiotic dosage can be escalated or deescalated after swab c/s report 

Dvl referral taken I/v/o genital ulcer :
Diagnosis:Genital ulcer for evaluation+vulvo vaginal candidiasis 

Advised :
1.clotrimazole 1%cream L/A BD for 1 week
2.Tab.BACT ointment L/A BD  for 1 week 

Review referral:
Diagnosis:Genital ulcer for Evaluation
?Frictional ulcer 
?herpes genitalis + vulvovaginal candidiasis

1.1.clotrimazole 1%cream L/A BD for 1 week
2.Tab.BACT ointment L/A BD for 1 week 
3.continue same treatment as advised by physician 

Opthalmology referral taken I/v/o HTN and DM retinopathy changes :
Impression: no diabetic and HTN retinopathy changes noted in both eyes.

Provisional diagnosis:

Right Hemiballismus secondary to ?Type II DM ?Basalganglia lesion 
Hypokalemia Secondary to 
?GI Losses ?Nutritional 
Genital ulcer for Evaluation
?Frictional ulcer 
?herpes genitalis + vulvovaginal candidiasis
K/c/o HTN 2yrs 
Denovo DM-II (one week)


Serology :negative

Chest xray:

USG abdomen:




IVF NS and RL @75ml/hr
Inj.optineuron 1amp in 100ml Ns /iv/OD
Tab .amlodipine 5mg po/OD
Tab.tetrabenzine 25mg/poBD
Tab.metrogyl 400mg/po/TID
Tab.pan 40Mg po/OD
Tab.sporolac-Ds po/TID
Inj.HAI sc/TID acc to grbs
Syp.potklor 10ml/po/BDwith glass of water
T.bact ointment for LA /BD
Clotrimazole 1%cream LA/BD
Capsule redotil 100mg po/BD

Advice at discharge:

Final diagnosis

Right Hemiballismus secondary to ?Type II DM ?Basalganglia lesion 
Hypokalemia Secondary to 
?GI Losses ?Nutritional 
Genital ulcer for Evaluation
?Frictional ulcer 
?herpes genitalis + vulvovaginal candidiasis
Acute Diarrhoea (Resolving)
K/c/o HTN 2yrs 
Denovo DM-II (one week)

Discharge summary 

A 66 yr old female ,residence of nalgonda came to the old with c/o 

Slurring of speech since 15days
Involuntary movements of right upper limb since 10days
And right lower limb since 5 days

She was apparently asymptomatic 15days ago then she developed swelling of tongue f/b slurring of speech , insidious in onset and gradually progressive,no aggravating and relieving factors
Not associated with deviation of mouth 

C/o involuntary movements of right upper and lower limb,insidious in onset and gradually progressive , aggravating on increasing sugars and decreasing with decrease in grbs levels

She also c/o skin lesions over genital region since 15days

Past history:
K/c/o HTN since 2 years
K/c/o DM since one week 
She has h/o joint pains( shoulder and elbow) since 2-3 months for which she went to a local hospital and the reports shower RA FACTOR+ 
and was advised tab . methotrexate (on regular medication)

Personal history:
Diet :mixed 
Bowel and bladder:regular but c/o burning micturition since 1 month
Sleep: adequate

Family history:not significant

General examination:
She is conscious,coherent , cooperative 
Well oriented to time ,place and person 


No pallor ,icterus ,clubbing ,cyanosis ,lymphadenopathy and edema 

CVS:s1s2+,no murmur
RS:BAE+,no added sounds 

Shape of abdomen; obese 

Position of umbilicus: central and inverted
No scars and sinuses are present
All quadrants are moving equally with respiration

No tenderness
 No organomegaly

Bowel sounds heard 

Motor system : RIGHT LEFT Tone :UL: N. N
            LL: N. N

Power:UL: 4/5 4/5
            LL: 3/5 4/5

Triceps :
Plantar : flexion 

Obg referral taken I/v/o reddish skin lesions over vulva and inner groin region,white discharge since 15days.

Diagnosis: 66year old p5L5 post hysterectomised with DM 2 and HTN with genital lesions

Advised :
1.inj.ceftrioxone 1gm iv stat f/b Tab.erythromycin 500mg po/BD
2.T.pantop 40mg po/OD
3.T.metronidazole 400mg po/TID 
4.Antibiotic dosage can be escalated or deescalated after swab c/s report 

Dvl referral taken I/v/o genital ulcer :
Diagnosis:Genital ulcer for evaluation+vulvo vaginal candidiasis 

Advised :
1.clotrimazole 1%cream L/A BD for 1 week
2.Tab.BACT ointment L/A BD for 1 week 

Review referral:
Diagnosis:Genital ulcer for Evaluation
?Frictional ulcer 
?herpes genitalis + vulvovaginal candidiasis

1.1.clotrimazole 1%cream L/A BD for 1 week
2.Tab.BACT ointment L/A BD for 1 week 
3.continue same treatment as advised by physician 

Opthalmology referral taken I/v/o HTN and DM retinopathy changes :
Impression: no diabetic and HTN retinopathy changes noted in both eyes.


IVF NS and RL @75ml/hr
Inj.optineuron 1amp in 100ml Ns /iv/OD
Tab .amlodipine 5mg po/OD
Tab.tetrabenzine 25mg/poBD
Tab.metrogyl 400mg/po/TID
Tab.pan 40Mg po/OD
Tab.sporolac-Ds po/TID
Inj.HAI sc/TID acc to grbs
Syp.potklor 10ml/po/BDwith glass of water
T.bact ointment for LA /BD
Clotrimazole 1%cream LA/BD
Capsule redotil 100mg po/BD

Advice at discharge:


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